CoverOK Health Care Coalition Releases SoonerCare Enrollment Guide, Video

A statewide coalition of health care advocates and providers has created resources to help connect newly eligible Oklahomans to life-changing health care coverage provided by Medicaid.
According to the Oklahoma Health Care Authority, more than 130,000 Oklahomans have already been approved for benefits through expansion. However, thousands more Oklahomans are eligible for health coverage but have yet to apply. As a result of Medicaid expansion, adults with low incomes are now eligible for SoonerCare.
The CoverOK coalition has released a guide for individuals and organizations to help Oklahomans enroll in health care coverage that began July 1 for new SoonerCare members who were part of the Medicaid expansion population. Nearly 200,000 Oklahomans in this population will now have access to health care through Medicaid expansion, but they must apply at in order to receive the benefits, which become available immediately following approval.
The downloadable and printable SoonerCare Enrollment Guide is available at the website. The guide features step-by-step instructions and goes through the process of creating an account, answering specific questions, and submitting the application.
The CoverOK coalition also worked with Steve Goldman, a health care navigator with Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, to produce a step-by-step video that walks applicants through the process using the SoonerCare Enrollment Guide.
The enrollment guide and video can be used by individuals to follow along as they complete the application or by organizations seeking to train staff to help enroll Oklahomans in SoonerCare. If your organization needs assistance getting multiple copies of the enrollment guide, please contact
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